Application-related comparison
of different 3D metal printing processes
The ComPrintMetal3D project aims to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Greater Region with the manual to additive manufacturing of metal components. There is a very strong dynamic and an increasing number of process options in this emerging manufacturing sector.
Open Day Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
During the Open Day event at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld we presented the Interreg project ComPrintMetal3D - INTERREG V...
The smallest lecture hall of Trier University of Applied Sciences on Trier’s main market square
The ComPrintMetal3D project is presented today in Trier's smallest lecture hall. Visit us and let us introduce you to metal 3D...
Process chain of Metal 3D Printing
The second flyer "Process chain of Metal 3D Printing" is available. It shows the technologies used in the project with the...